Sunday, June 9, 2013

Vegetarian Chili-ghetti!!!

I think this is my new favorite recipe! I had this can of vegetarian chili in the cabinet forever and we moved to Portland which is PERFECT chili weather, so I decided to bust it out of the cabinet and try something. I found these fun noodles in the store the other day and decided they would go perfect with the chili!

I cooked the noodles and the chili, placed the chili on top of the noodles, like spaghetti sauce, add some cheese to the top and voila! My husband is completely addicted, the next day he had me buy 3 more cans of chili :D

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Sorry everyone, I know its been a while since I posted. Life has been crazy, my husband and I sold our house in Salt Lake City and moved to Portland, OR! We're just living in a small apartment til we get jobs and then the house search begins :) I will keep posting on other things, non house related though til then. Like SHARK KITTY...

I did come up with a new soup recipe that was DELICIOUS!!! And its pescatarian approved!!! BONUS!!! It had Shrimp, Cod, Shrimp Ramen, Curry, Garlic, Ginger, Coconut Milk, Red Peppers, and Snow Peas, mmmm. Pretty good for my first recipe creation :D

Monday, March 18, 2013

Easter Time!!

My family is coming up for Easter this year, so I thought I'd create a new wreath for the occasion :)
I love it! Then again I do love almost anything with glitter on it...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Xbox Controllers

I'm a big video game girl, but just because I like games doesn't mean that I have to have ugly consoles and controllers hanging around. So I modded mine and my husbands controllers. When I say I modded them, I picked out the stuff and handed it to my hubby and he did the inner workings of it lol. They turned out even cooler than I expected. The Xbox is taken care of, now I need to find out how to mod playstation controllers. :)

Nail tape

I bought some different colors of nail tape to try them out.

I really like the results, but no matter what I do the ends come up and only last about a day. Am I doing something wrong? Has anybody had a different experience with this stuff?

Progression on the dining room

We have a four bedroom house for two people and two cats. So we have a bedroom, guest room, office and completely empty odd shaped room. It drives me nuts that its empty, its just weird even walking by it. So after a long time of asking my husband to let me make it a dining room he finally said yes! He's so sweet to me <3
Here's the room before:

And my favorite part of the room was this:

We took the light off to replace it and there was GLITTER popcorn ceiling under it. TERRIBLE!
We painting it Wintergreen Ash with a black on black damask wallpaper accent wall. I saw the wallpaper on sale at and had to have it even though I had no idea what to do with it, so when we started doing this room I realized it was the perfect place for it. Archie helped us put up a ceilling lamp.

Here it is so far:

I'm working on some art to hang on the walls and I have a vase to spray paint for the center piece and some curtains to put up, but I'm happy with the results. I'll keep you updated!

You've cat to be kitten me right meow

I'm a crazy cat lady, not the one that has 30 and smells weird, but the kind that spoils her cats and talks to them like they understand....but would never buy them crazy dog outfits just to take a photo of them in it.

Okay maybe I would. When I saw that people had made cat beds out of old suitcases I knew I had to try it! The suitcase I found was gross and blue and the fabric inside was falling apart and I knew I had to have it. One 5 dollar suitcase, two can's of spray paint, some legs from home depot and the discovery that I'm really good at sewing despite never touched a sewing machine before and VOILA cute kitty beds!


Although after the first day Chesi (right) would switch back and forth in them so that Archie (left) couldn't use either one. So he's had to find other places to sleep in...