Monday, January 21, 2013

HOO Likes Christmas Presents?!?

My sweet husband buys me owl jewelry every birthday and Christmas & finally came to the point where there wasn't a lot more owl jewelry out there, so he switched to owl STATUES. I don't want too many, because then you become that crazy lady with statues everywhere. So he found this awesome owl statue.

It's pretty, but not quite right for our modern house with black and white decor. Sooooo, my sweet loving husband (who I ask to spray paint EVERYTHING), took it into the garage on Christmas Eve & spray painted it white with a Krylon® spray paint with primer in it. It was kind of a gamble because we didn't know how the paint would act with the glaze, but he did 3 coats and it turned out great! Here's the final result. 

Now I just need to convince the hubby that the entry way needs a buffet to set him on. :)

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