Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Making A SPLASH!!!

I've always wanted a metal backsplash, I just love the look and feel. My least favorite room in our house is the kitchen, the cabinets suck all the light out of the room, & the counters are ugly. Then there is the laundry room, which had two big holes cut out of the dry wall because we had to replace the laundry knobs. Both were in need of a face lift.

As far as the kitchen goes, I'd love to do this.

I haven't quite talked myself into painting the cabinets since I've never done it, so for now, we'll just stick to painting & a backsplash. Here are photos after we put the backsplash up & installed the lighting under the cabinets.

This weekend we plan on painting the kitchen and I'll keep everyone updated. I also am hanging this up in the kitchen after we paint. I found this old 24 x 36 frame at the D.I. for EIGHT DOLLARS, so I spray painted it & glued the extra scraps from our backsplash together & put them in the frame.

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