Wednesday, February 6, 2013

You've cat to be kitten me right meow

I'm a crazy cat lady, not the one that has 30 and smells weird, but the kind that spoils her cats and talks to them like they understand....but would never buy them crazy dog outfits just to take a photo of them in it.

Okay maybe I would. When I saw that people had made cat beds out of old suitcases I knew I had to try it! The suitcase I found was gross and blue and the fabric inside was falling apart and I knew I had to have it. One 5 dollar suitcase, two can's of spray paint, some legs from home depot and the discovery that I'm really good at sewing despite never touched a sewing machine before and VOILA cute kitty beds!


Although after the first day Chesi (right) would switch back and forth in them so that Archie (left) couldn't use either one. So he's had to find other places to sleep in...

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