Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dining Table Saga Continues

Originally I was thinking black and white modern fabrics for the dining chairs but when I was in Johann's this weekend I fell in love with this fabric.

So I bought two yards and headed home and started taking the old fabric off.

Only to find MORE gross fabric!

When we started taking the we realized the wood was cracking and we'd have to make new bases. Also, the glamour of my fabric had worn off and I had realized the white fabric on white chairs would look washed out and white fabric is a bad idea because of stains and such, any little thing would show. So I decided to recover them until we cut new bases just to see how that fabric works. If it works I'm going to get some of it in pink or teal! Here's the test results and I love how much better it is already and I haven't even painted yet.

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