Monday, January 21, 2013

Would You Like Some Shoe With That Glitter?

So, I have a love for SHOES...& GLITTER. When I say I love glitter, I vacuum up more glitter than dust in my house. It's a problem...

A couple months ago, Archie (my cat), got into my closet. He may look sweet & innocent, but there is a shoe murderer lurking right beneath the surface. Needless to say, he was charged with 6 counts of shoe/heel murder.

After seeing the destruction, I decided to make lemonade, instead of throwing away 6 pairs of lemons. I have only done one pair so far because my husband drew the line on me doing this project in the house & it's freezing outside. I started with the ankle boots that I HAD to have for Halloween one year, & then never wore again.

I had read a lot of things online saying to use Mod Podge®, so I tried that first & it didn't really work for me, which is sad because I love Mod Podge & just resulted in my cat (the murderer) getting glitter stuck on his nose. So, I switched to spray glue (Krylon®Super Quick Grip Spray Adhesive).

This stuff works great! Make sure to wear gloves & tape anything on the shoe that you don't want to have glitter on. I just sprayed it on, & then shook glitter all over the spray-glued area. I still have to clear coat it with a clear poly, but it's too cold outside so I will wait. Here's the progress thus far. I love, love, love the results. I'm thinking maybe doing hot pink on the soles. What do you think?

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